Catch up – where we’re at right now.


Our windowsill is covered in pots and seed trays. There’s a motley crew of sweet peas, marigolds, one dill and the three aubergine varieties. I sowed two batches of aubergine seedlings, around a week apart, and so far I’m not having much luck. I sowed the first batch on 18th Feb… so it’s only a week and a half I suppose, and apparently they can take up to three weeks to germinate.


Our cupboard is really ugly.

We also have these guys lurking in our cupboard. They’re the seed potatoes (from the Organic Gardening Catalogue). They have to sit in the dark and then they’ll “chit”, which is a horrible word. There’s something slightly creepy about them, I’m not sure what it is.
This was the only amount available to buy at the time. It’s going to be a lot of potato plants. Probably too many, but we’ll see. Maybe I’ll just do some guerrilla gardening and plant them in local parks/sling them over our neighbour’s fence. That said, we did make this raised bed, which we’re planning on using mostly for the potatoes:


I’m hoping my photos are going to get nicer as we get closer to summer. Less depressing, patchy, muddy grass and more glistening rays of sunshine and greenery and flowers and #nofilter rather than #shouldprobablyhaveusedafilter.

The weird netting situation going on, artfully constructed by yours truly, is because the bushes and the massive f-off palm tree just there like to shake their leaves all over the soil, which is annoying. We’re slightly worried that the massive f-off palm tree is going to be leeching up all the nutrients from the soil with it’s massive roots, but hopefully because it’s a raised bed it’ll be ok, and we can just hurl nutritious stuff on it all the time. Like mulch, cause we’ve got some of that.


These are the potatoes I kind of by accident grew last year (I half-heartedly planted a potato that had sprouted and it went nuts, but someone told me it wouldn’t make any potatoes. They were WRONG.). Yes I know it’s a pitiful amount, but still.

We’ll do better this year.

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